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7 May 2024 ~ 6 min read

Can you put HTML in Markdown?

Did you know that 86% of developers prefer using Markdown for documentation due to its simplicity and readability? Yet, despite its elegance, many encounter the need to incorporate raw HTML within their Markdown files. This blend of Markdown and HTML can be a game-changer for your documentation, but it isn’t without its nuances.

Here are the key takeaways you’ll discover in this post:

  • Versatility of Markdown and HTML Integration: Learn how combining these two can enhance your documents, allowing for greater control over layout and presentation.

  • Challenges with Block-Level Tags: Understand the difficulties that arise when using block-level HTML tags in Markdown, especially when trying to maintain Markdown’s emphasis and other inline styles.

  • Extensions and Workarounds: Discover the various non-standard extensions added to Markdown over the years, including the handy markdown="1" attribute introduced by PHP Markdown Extra.

  • Enabling Extensions: Find out how to enable these extensions in different Markdown processors to seamlessly process Markdown within HTML blocks.

Ready to transform your documentation with the perfect blend of Markdown’s simplicity and HTML’s flexibility? Let’s dive in and uncover the best practices and hidden gems of using HTML in Markdown!

Can you put HTML in Markdown

Yes, it’s possible to use HTML code in Markdown formatting. Markdown allows the inclusion of raw HTML to enhance the document’s structure and style beyond Markdown’s basic formatting capabilities. This flexibility is particularly useful for embedding complex elements like tables, videos, or custom div containers.

Markdown treats any HTML tag as literal HTML and doesn’t escape it, allowing seamless integration. This can be particularly helpful when you need to:

  • Insert raw HTML elements: Useful for embedding forms, custom containers, or multimedia elements.

  • Encompass sections in HTML tags: Wrapping content in <div>, <aside>, or <section> tags for additional styling or functional purposes without disrupting the overall document structure.

  • Combine Markdown and HTML: Although Markdown is great for simple text formatting, sometimes you need more control over layout or advanced styling which only HTML can provide.

Here is an example of using HTML within a Markdown document:

# My Document

This is a standard paragraph in Markdown.

<div class="custom-container">

<h2>Section Title</h2>

<p>This is a paragraph inside a custom HTML container.</p>


*Italicized text* and **bold text** are rendered as expected in Markdown.

Key Points

  1. HTML Compatibility: Markdown’s ability to parse raw HTML makes it extremely flexible for web content creation.

  2. Block-level Elements: When using block-level HTML tags (like <div>), ensure that these elements do not interfere with Markdown’s formatting rules.

  3. Processing Markdown within HTML: Some Markdown processors, such as PHP Markdown Extra, allow Markdown syntax within HTML blocks using markdown="1" attribute, which needs to be explicitly enabled.

Example Table with HTML in Markdown

To demonstrate using HTML tables within Markdown:

# Example Table

Here is a table created using HTML within a Markdown document:

<table border="1">



<td><strong>Column 1</strong></td>

<td><strong>Column 2</strong></td>

<td><strong>Column 3</strong></td>



<td>Row 1, Cell 1</td>

<td>Row 1, Cell 2</td>

<td>Row 1, Cell 3</td>



<td>Row 2, Cell 1</td>

<td>Row 2, Cell 2</td>

<td>Row 2, Cell 3</td>




Practical Use Cases

  • Embedding Media: Videos and iframes can be inserted directly using HTML tags, which is not possible with pure Markdown.

  • Custom Styling: Use HTML tags to apply specific CSS classes or inline styles for more control over the document’s appearance.

Old School Markdown

Old School Markdown refers to the original and basic syntax designed by John Gruber. This syntax is used by almost all Markdown applications and is considered to be the standard format. However, as newer versions of Markdown have been developed, there have been small variations in their syntax.

One notable difference between Old School Markdown and newer versions is the inclusion of raw HTML code. While Old School Markdown allows for the use of HTML, it is not considered to be a part of the standard format. However, newer versions of Markdown have embraced the use of HTML code, making it easier for users to embed complex elements and have greater control over layout and styling.

Another difference between Old School Markdown and newer versions is in how they handle certain elements or formatting styles. For example, some versions of Markdown may support additional formatting options, such as tables or footnotes, that are not included in the original syntax. Additionally, there may be slight variations in how certain elements are written or interpreted.

Overall, while Old School Markdown remains the standard format used by most applications, newer versions have evolved to offer additional features and customizations.

Extended Markdown

Extended Markdown is an enhanced version of traditional Markdown that includes additional syntax elements, such as tables, code blocks, and footnotes. These elements were created by individuals and organizations to add more functionality and formatting options to Markdown.

One major difference between traditional and extended Markdown is the ability to include HTML elements. While traditional Markdown only supports basic formatting options, extended Markdown allows for the use of HTML code within the syntax. This means that users can add more complex formatting, such as customized tables and embedded videos, to their content.

However, it’s important to note that not all Markdown applications support these extended elements. It’s crucial to check compatibility before using extended Markdown and make sure that the processor being used allows for the addition of extensions.

There are many available processors that support extended Markdown, each with their own set of compatible extensions. Some popular options include Pandoc, MultiMarkdown, and GitHub Flavored Markdown. These processors make it possible for users to create content with rich formatting and advanced features without having to manually write HTML code.


CommonMark is a standardized version of Markdown, a text-to-HTML conversion tool. It was developed in 2004 by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz with the goal of creating a consistent and testable version of Markdown. CommonMark eliminates past inconsistencies and difficulties, making it a reliable choice for converting HTML to Markdown.

In order to convert HTML to Markdown, users can implement their own CommonMark parser if one does not already exist in their preferred environment or language. This allows for a smooth experience when converting complex HTML code to Markdown formatting. With the increasing popularity of CommonMark, there are now multiple implementations of it in various languages, making it easily accessible for users.

The official CommonMark specification can be found at, where users can find comprehensive documentation and resources for implementing CommonMark in their projects. There is also an active community discussing and improving CommonMark at, providing a platform for users to share their experiences and insights.

Overall, CommonMark serves as a reliable and standardized solution for converting HTML to Markdown, offering a wide range of formatting options and ease of use for content creators.

Jacqueline M. Leonard

Hi, my name is Jacqueline M. Leonard. I am the main developer and editor of Markdown to HTML Genius offers an amazing and easy-to-use tool for converting Markdown to HTML.